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What are the logistics methods provided by HUCAI? What are the timeframe and price?

What are the logistics methods provided by HUCAI? What are the timeframe and price?

Update Time:2024/1/22
Q1: What logistics methods do you provide?
A: We provide a variety of logistics methods, including express delivery, air delivery and ocean freight to meet the needs of different customers.

Q2: What are the time and price for express delivery? What are the benefits to me?
Timeframe: 5-7 days
Price: 40-55RMB/kg
Advantage: Provide fast and reliable transportation service, suitable for orders with high time requirements, able to ensure timely delivery, bring you door-to-door service without additional cumbersome steps, convenient and fast.

Q3: What are the timeliness and price of air delivery? What are the benefits to me?
Timeframe: 10-12 days
Price: 35-45RMB/kg
Advantage: Air dispatch is a cost-effective transportation method, suitable for orders with a certain time margin. The price is relatively low, which can effectively reduce your logistics cost while reducing certain time cost. Door-to-door service eliminates intermediate links, simplifies the process and improves efficiency.

Q4: What are the timeliness and price of sea transportation? What are the benefits to me?
Timeframe: about 30 days
Price: 12-18RMB/kg
Advantage: Sea freight is the most economical way of transportation, which is suitable for large volume orders. Although the timeframe is relatively long, the door-to-door service still ensures you the convenience of receiving your goods, while bringing significant cost savings in terms of price.

Different logistics methods affect timeframe, price and mode of transportation. Customers can choose based on the urgency, budget and volume of their order to optimize logistics. Whether customers focus on timeliness, cost-effectiveness or bulk transportation, HUCAI can provide the most suitable logistics solutions to meet their different needs. Our goal is to provide customers with the most flexible and efficient logistics services to ensure the smooth delivery of orders.
Let's Talk
HUCAI is a supplier specializing in the design, customization and production of women's sportswear. Our design team is very creative and inspired, and keep up with the latest market trends, we can provide you with the latest design and category solutions to meet your needs. We welcome all brands, Internet celebrities, fitness bloggers to consult, we believe that our design ability and the latest market trend to master the ability, can provide better promotion for your brand value. If you have any related needs, please feel free to contact us, we look forward to working with you!
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Whatsapp: +86 13602338395E-mail:admin@hcsportswear.comaddress:Building A4, No. 5, Nanmian Industrial park, Humen Town, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Let's Talk
HUCAI is a supplier specializing in the design, customization and production of women's sportswear. Our design team is very creative and inspired, and keep up with the latest market trends, we can provide you with the latest design and category solutions to meet your needs. We welcome all brands, Internet celebrities, fitness bloggers to consult, we believe that our design ability and the latest market trend to master the ability, can provide better promotion for your brand value. If you have any related needs, please feel free to contact us, we look forward to working with you!
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Hucai salesmen will read your requirements and reply to your message in the first time. Hucai salesmen will contact you by email, WhatsApp, phone and other means.Please pay attention to the email with the suffix “”or“”.